Via del Foro – Via di Mercurio – Via delle Terme – Via della Fortuna Crossroads

The Excavations and Research of the APPVia del Foro – Via di Mercurio – Via delle Terme - Via della Fortuna Crossroads

Dott.ssa Sandra Zanella; (École française de Rome)

APPCoordinator Antonino Russo

The scientific program seeks to further our understanding of the forma urbis of Pompeii. The stratigraphic exploration of an area located close to the crossroads of Via del Foro/Via di Mercurio andVia delle Terme/Via della Fortuna aims to discover new elements which relate to issues that are fundamental to the city, such as the dating of the urban network, the orientation of the city with regard to significant points in the area, as well as contributing to the debate on the cultural origin of the people who lived there.