The simplification of the regulations regarding the sponsorship of cultural goods, introduced by the Public Contracts Code (Leg. Decr. 50/2016), has streamlined procedures between the Public Administration and private companies in matters regarding sponsored cultural projects.

The Archaeological Park of Pompeiiplays an active role in searching for sponsors for projects developed by internal technical-scientific skills, but also welcomes and considers proposals directly from companies and financing entities. As part of a mutually beneficial relationship, the Fundraising Office has developed an exclusive offer of benefits for cultural sponsorship, which private companies could benefit from in terms of Corporate and Marketing projects and internal and external communications. Additionally, these benefits could form a part of the intangible and intellectual assets of the companies, or be utilised by special guests of the provider. Furthermore, during negotiations with the sponsor, specific benefits and further opportunities for communication will be considered.

It is possible to consult which activities are at the planning stage in the Preview section, or send Sponsorship proposals in the section of the same name.


Sponsorship proposals

Pursuant to Art. 19 of the Public Contracts Code (Leg. Decr. 50/2016), private companies may on their own initiative send the Archaeological Park of Pompeii proposals relating to the carrying out of works, or the provision of services and supplies. The offer proposal must describe the content of the sponsorship, with reference to the intervention which is to be carried out, and the level of funding as well as the expected benefits regarding communication and marketing.

The suitability of the proposal will be evaluated by the Archaeological Park of Pompeii.

Send your proposal to: