Behind a simple façade we can find one of the most elegant homes in Pompeii, characterised by a highly refined pictorial decoration, rich in functional artistic and literary references to emphasise the high cultural level of the owner.

The heart of the home, that illustrates the sophistication of the owner, is composed of the atrium and the tablinum. One must note the marble bath of the impluvium and a table with lion-paw shaped feet where the fixings were displayed, both found in the atrium. The tablinum is decorated with the Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne and the loves of Venus and Mars. These are complemented by depictions of seaside villas, a particularly popular subject, and still life paintings. Hunting scenes of lions, panthers, bears and cattle are depicted on the walls of the garden according to the popular trend of decorations in semi-open areas.

The name of magistrate Marcus Lucretius Fronto appeared in the electoral inscriptions on the façade of the house, thereby indicating he lived there.

Date of excavation: 1899-1900; 1972-1974.