The Suburban Baths, located immediately beneath the Marina Gate, are built halfway along the walls, which during the 1st century BC had lost their defensive function. Unlike the Stabian Baths and those of the Forum, the Suburban Baths were private. There are small erotic paintings in the changing room (apodyterium) that advertise the activities held in the halls of the upper floor, probably intended for prostitution, as often happened, illegally, in the baths. The other thermal areas have sumptuous decorations. A waterfall flowed in the small cold pool from a fake cave, adorned with a mosaic depicting Cupids handing over their weapons to Mars, the walls were frescoed with paintings that reproduced naval battles and marine wildlife. Besides the normal sequence of rooms that range from the more moderate to the hottest, the section of the heated rooms also includes a large pool that is heated by means of a large bronze brazier, placed at the bottom.

Date of excavation: 1960; 1985-1988.