Visit other sites in the area for free with the Pompeii ticket
As part of the agreement between the Archaeological Park of Pompeii and the municipalities of Buccino, Lettere, Poggiomarino and Terzigno and the association A.P.S. Terra Cilento, to promote public access and enjoyment of archaeological sites in the area, visitors in possession of a valid entrance ticket to the Archaeological Park of Pompeii (tickets are valid for 30 days after issue) will be able to visit the National Archaeological Museum of Volcei “Marcello Gigante” ( Municipio, 1 - Buccino – SA), the Castle of Lettere (Via S. Nicola Castello, Lettere - NA), the Archaeological Nature Park of Longola (Via Longola, Poggiomarino - NA) and the Territorial Archaeological Museum of Terzigno (Corso Luigi Einaudi, Terzigno - NA) free of charge.