Application forms for the use of images and for the use of video or photography onsite
The Archaeological Park of Pompeii has designed simplified application forms for requesting the use, for various purposes, of images of the cultural assets relevant to each case.
In accordance with existing regulations, the reproduction of state-owned cultural assets requires permission from the competent Archeological Park and, except for study purposes and personal use, is subject to payment of a fee.

Authorisation request process
1. Send a request by e-mail to
2. The office concerned shall send a reply within 15 days and the process will be completed within a maximum period of 30 days. 
If the fee is required, this should be paid exclusively by bank transfer to the current account of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei (Archaeological Park of Pompeii) using the following bank details:


IBAN: IT43 G 05034 40090 000000080010


Moreover, both in the case of filming for which the payment of a fee is required and in the case of filming which is exempt from such a fee, please note that, in accordance with article 1, paragraph 315 of Law no. 205/2017, it will be necessary to pay the security staff on duty at the Archaeological Park of Pompeii who are outsourced from a third-party company, recruited specially to ensure that the activity requested is regularly executed in order to guarantee the protection of the cultural heritage and security of the places and users for the occasion.

The bank details for the payment of outsourced security staff from a third-party company are as follows:

IBAN: IT 30 Z010000 3245BE00000001RH – Tesoreria dello Stato, with the description Capo XXIX Capitolo 2584 Art. 21 – Parco Archeologico di Pompei – specifying the activity and the date of execution


In order to receive an estimate both for the fee and for the outsourced security from a third-party company, please send a request at least 20 days before the agreed date for filming, including a timetable with the following information:

The Parco archeologico di Pompei (Archaeological Park of Pompeii) will evaluate, on the basis of the filming schedule, the number of security staff required.

It is hereby stated that, in the case of the annulment and postponement of filming for a future date for reasons of force majeure, the administration shall be notified no later than 72 hours prior to the day of the start of activities. If the date of filming should take place on Monday or Tuesday, notification of amendments shall be done by 9.00 am on the previous Friday;

Both the aforementioned payments shall be made prior to the start of the agreed activity and by sending a copy of the receipt to

3. In the case of exemption from the fee, the office concerned shall send the authorisation directly, not prior to 7 days, and within a maximum of 30 days.
4. All those concerned shall therefore have access to the excavations with a copy of the authorisation received, to be shown at the ticket offices.