Located on Vicolo dei Balconi, the house takes its name from the spacious garden with a frescoed portico, onto which faces a beautiful hall with megalographs depicting in one panel Venus with a man (Paris or Adonis) and Eros, and in another Venus in the act of fishing, alongside Eros. There is also a highly refined portrait of a woman in the same room, which likely depicts the domina of the house.
Facing onto the atrium of the house is the so-called ‘Room of the Skeletons’, a secondary room where the remains were found of around ten individuals, who sought refuge here in a vain attempt to save themselves.
The house is known for the discovery of a charcoal inscription, made in an area of the atrium which was undergoing refurbishment at the time of the catastrophe, which would appear to move the date of the eruption to the 17th October AD 79.

Date of excavation: 2018-2020.