The exhibition, which was launched on Friday 16 th December 2016 in the rooms of the Antiquarium, gathers various materials (ceramics, kraters, statues, votive deposits, etc.) dating back from the 6 th Century to the Roman age, that have been kept in Pompeii’s storages for a long time and have only recently been released and made available.
The details of the operations that organised the release of these finds and the exhibition project, were given by Massimo Osanna, Director-General of Pompeii’s Superintendency; Division General of Carabinieri Luigi Curatoli, Director of the Great Pompeii Project; Carlo Spagna, Delegate President at the ‘Body of Evidence’ Office of the Naples Court of Law.

The Body of Evidence
Antiquarium of the archaeological site
16 th December 2016 – 27 th August 2017
Pompeii and Southern Italy continue to uncover the finds from their infinite archaeological heritage quite unusually. This time it concerns an unprecedented “loot”, composed of misappropriated objects that had been seized since the 60s and that have now been released and made available to the public in an original exhibition at the Antiquarium of Pompeii called ‘The Body of Evidence’.