Opening hours from 1st November to 31st March
House of the Menander (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00) [*]
Garden of the Fugitives (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
- House and Thermopolium of VetutiusPlacidus (visible from outside)
House of the Europa Ship (H. 9:00-16:00) [*]
- House of Paquius Proculus (visible from outside)
- Caupona of Sotericus (visible from outside)
- House of the Ceii (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
House of the Ephebe (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
Fullonica of Stephanus (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00) [*]
House of Lararium of Achilles (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
Amphitheater (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
Large Palaestra (Temporarily closed to the public) [*]
Praedia of Giulia Felice (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00) [*]
House of Venus in the shell (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- House of the Floral Lararium (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- Schola Armaturarum (visible from outside)
- House of Leda and the Swan (affresco temporarily not visible)
- Thermopolium Regio V (visible from outside)
- House of Girali (visible from outside)
- House of the Silver Wedding (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
House of the Faun (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
- Thermopolium (Regio VI) (H. 9:00-17:00)
House of the Dioscuri (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- House of the Vettii (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- House of the Golden Cupids (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00) [*]
- House of Ara Maxima (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- House of the Small Fountain (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- House of the tragic poet (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- House of Centaur (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- Marina Gate and walls (H. 9:00-17:00)
Sanctuary of Apollo (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
Forum (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
- Forum Granary (temporarily not visible)
- Temple of Jupiter (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Honorary Arches (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Temple of Fortuna Augusta (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
Macellum (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Sanctuary of the Public Lares (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Temple of Genius Augusti (visible from outside)
Stabian Baths – (male section) (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 17:00) [*]
- Lupanar (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- Bakery of Popidio Prisco (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Mensa Ponderaria (visible from outside)
Portico of Concordia Augusta (Building of Eumachia) (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Forum Baths – Men (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- Forum Baths – Women (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- House of the wounded bear (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- House of Sirico (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
Sanctuary of Venus (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
Basilica (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
- Comitium and municipal buildings (H. 9:00-17:00)
House of the Geometric Mosaics (H. 9:00-17:00)
Triangular Forum (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
Doric Temple(H. 9:00-17:00)
Large Theatre (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
Quadriporticus of the theatres or Gladiators Barracks (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Small Theatre – Odeion (visible from outside)
- House of the Cornelii (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Boar house (visible from outside)
Antiquarium [closed from August 1, 2024 until further notice]
- Orto botanico (H. 9:00-17:00) (temporarily closed to the public)
- Villa Imperiale (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- House of the red walls (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- Botanic garden (H. 9:00-17:00)
- House of Marcus Lucretius in via Stabiana (H. 9:00-16:20) [*]
- Central Baths(H. 9:00-17:00)
- Thermopolium of Asellina (visible from outside)
Insula of the Lovers Chaste (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- Necropolis of Porta Stabia (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Nocera Gate and walls (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Necropoli of Porta Nocera (H. 9:00-17:00) [*]
- Herculaneum Gate and walls (H. 9:00-17:00)
- Necropolis of the Herculaneum Gate (H. 9:00-17:00)
Villa of Diomede (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:30, last entrance 16:15 – last access to Porta Ercolano at 3.30 pm) [for people with disabilities, access is reserved from the external road on Via Villa dei Misteri, upon contacting the following telephone numbers 081.8575400 / 333 or 081.8575347. The Ales reception staff will provide directions at the entrance for the visit route and the use of the external lift.]
- Villa of the Mysteries (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:30, last entrance 16:15 – last access to Porta Ercolano at 3.30 pm)
- Castellum Aquae (visible from outside)
THE HOUSE OF THE DAY (Opening times: 09:15 – 16:20, last entrance 16:00)
- MONDAY: House of the Porcellino
- TUESDAY: House of the Triclinium outdoors
- WEDNESDAY: House of Cerer
- THURSDAY: Ipogeo of the House of Popidium Priscus
- FRIDAY: House of the Craftsman
House of Wounded Adonis
- SUNDAY: Stabian Baths Female Section
accessible houses
[*] In this building you will find an information board
For any further changes, consult the service communications, click here.