Being a woman in ancient Pompeii.
What did it mean to be a woman in Pompeii? The Campanian city and its extraordinary state of preservation offers us a wealth of evidence to learn about aspects of daily life of women and the position they occupied in the Roman home and in society. Frescoes, private and funerary portraits, graffiti, inscriptions, and possessions offer us valuable information about the life and activities of a female universe that was fundamental to the smooth functioning of the community. All social classes of women are documented: matrons, freedwomen, slaves; all family roles: wives, daughters, concubines; and all stages of life: birth, childhood, marriage, motherhood, death. To this complex and multifaceted female world, is dedicated the new exhibition “Being a Woman in Ancient Pompeii,” which will open in the Palestra Grande in Pompeii on the 16th April. …Read more