
"Gods, Men, Heroes" opens exhibition at The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

On 19 April 2019 the exhibition “Gods, Men, Heroes. From the Naples National Archaeological Museum and the Archaeological Park of Pompeii” opens at The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. The remarkable exhibition “Gods, Men, Heroes” is indeed an internationally prestigious event for both Naples and Saint Petersburg Museum. The sudden end of the Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and many villas …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei

Termopolio Regio V 3

The Thermopolium of Regio V

Yet more evidence of daily life emerges at Pompeii, in the form of the discovery of the latest Thermopolium (snack bar), which recently came to light in the excavations of Regio V. The Thermopolium emerged in the open space which acts as a crossroads between Vicolo delle Nozze d’Argento and Vicolo dei Balconi, which has now been entirely uncovered. The commercial structure has been partially excav …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei


National Landscape Day 2019 - 14th March 2019

For National Landscape Day 2019, set for the 14th March 2019, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii will participate in the event, promoted by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, with numerous initiatives: Excavations of Pompeii Several wall paintings which depict landscapes will be focused on, with the distribution of an illustrated booklet. These include the frescoes of the garden in …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei


Sunday at the Museum

On the 3rd March 2019, as part of the “Sunday at the Museum” initiative, admission for all visitors will be free of charge. Due to the Winter opening hours being in effect between the 1st November and the 31st March, visitors may access the excavations of Pompeii during the following time slots:     Pompeii, Oplontis and Stabiae: 8:30 - 17:00 (last entrance permitted at 15:30) Boscoreale: 8:3 …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei


#IoVadoAlMuseo: 20 days of free admission to Pompeii in 2019

Pompeii will also be taking part in the #IoVadoAlMuseo initiative, promoted by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, which envisages 20 days of free admission to all Mibac sites in a calendar year. As well as the first Sundays of the month from October to March, and the Museum Week - which in 2019 will span the 5th-10th March - every institute will offer an additional 8 days of free ad …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei

CAi Quo Giang 11

In the Volcano: Cai Guo-Qiang and Pompeii

February 21st at 1pm THE POMPEII AMPHITHEATRE - EXPLOSION STUDIO, A unique explosion event by artist Cai Guo-Qiang leading to February 22nd Opening of asolo exhibition at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples IN THE VOLCANO: Cai Guo-Qiang and Pompeii On view from FEBRUARY 22ndto May 20th2019 Press preview 4:30pm Exhibition opening 6:30pm February 21st. An explosion of gunpowder and color sm …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei

375c5efe-c79d-4fce-9778-2ba9b8e0cd83 SMALL LEDA

Love and sensuality in the frescoes of Regio V

THE LEDA ROOM, AN ELEGANT AND SENSUAL BEDROOM AND THE ATRIUM OF NARCISSUS RE-EMERGE FROM THE SITE OF NEW EXCAVATIONS An elegant and sensual bedroom re-emerges in its entire beauty from the Regio V excavation at Pompeii, whose presence had been predicted when the splendid image of Leda and the Swan was unearthed some months ago, during the consolidation works on the excavation fronts along Via Vesuvio. Behind the room, a part of the dwelling’s atrium was also brought to light, with vividly coloured walls and a fresco of Narcissus at the centre of one of them, in which he sees himself reflected in the water, enraptured by his own image, according to classical iconography. …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei


From the explosion of Pompeii, works at the Mann - Explosion Studio

February 21st, 12pm THE POMPEII AMPHITHEATRE – “EXPLOSION STUDIO” A unique explosion event by artist Cai Guo-Qiang leading to February 22nd  (Press Preview 4.30 pm)  Opening of a solo exhibition at the MANN “IN THE VOLCANO. Cai Guo-Qiang and Pompeii” On view from FEBRUARY 22nd to May 20th 2019  An explosion of gunpowder and color smoke in Pompeii’s Amphitheatre to relive the tragic and, at the sam …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei


Alfonsina Russo Interim Director ff the Archaeological Park of Pompeii from today

Today is the first day at Pompeii for Interim Director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, Alfonsina Russo, who met the managers and personnel of the various Park offices this morning, accompanied by Mibac Head of Cabinet Tiziana Coccolbuto, Secretary General Giovanni Panebianco and outgoing Director General Massimo Osanna. She was met by Director General of the GPP General CC Mauro Cipolletta …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei

11. Trattamento delle lacune con la tecnica del tratteggio

The Rebirth of the Schola Armaturarum


parco archeologico di pompei