
From maintenance to excavation two prestigious dwellings brought to light in Regio V

Two prestigious dwellings with precious decorations have been brought to light, and redefine the urban space in Regio V of Pompeii, thanks to maintenance and stabilisation works on the excavation fronts overseen by the Great Pompeii Project. Re-emerging in their entirety from the lapilli, and with different furnishings, are the House with the Garden, with a beautiful frescoed portico and rooms dec …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei


Inscription discovered in Regio V

UPDATE L’ULTIMO GIORNO DI POMPEI, NUOVO STUDIO E-JOURNAL DEGLI SCAVI DI POMPEI - LA DATA DELLA DISTRUZIONE DI POMPEI: PREMESSE PER UN DIBATTITO APERTO New interpretations enliven the debate over the charcoal inscription recently discovered in RegioV at Pompeii, and which moves the date of the eruption to October. What happened on the 16th day before the Calends of November? Giulia Ammannati, Lectu …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei


A sumptuous lararium has re-emerged in a room which is still being excavated in Regio V at Pompeii

A sumptuous 4m x 5m lararium has re-emerged among the lapilli in a room which is still being excavated in Regio V at Pompeii, as part of the consolidation works on the excavation fronts overseen by the Great Pompeii Project.  The beautiful lararium, which is among the most elegant to be found at Pompeii, belongs to a room in a house which had already been partially excavated at the beginning of th …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei


The fresco of a Priapus, like that of the famous house of the Vettii, emerges from the excavations of the Regio V

A prestigious dwelling on Via del Vesuvio, with elegantly decorated rooms, and a fresco at the entrance depicting Priapus, in the act of weighing his member on scales, has emerged during re-profiling works on the slopes of Regio V which face onto Via del Vesuvio, within the site of the new excavations. The ongoing operations form part of the wider stabilisation works on the excavation fronts, whic …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei

Affreschi in I stile della Casa di Giove 1

Frescoes in the First Style in the House of Jupiter

Frescoes in the First Style in the House of Jupiter, traces of fire and charred finds, and a sacro-idyllic picture News from Regio V The complete structure of Domus continue to take shape, with precious frescoes, objects and traces of everyday life. Advances continue in Regio V of the Pompeii excavations, where discoveries of structures and finds continue to be made on a daily basis. …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei

Alla ricerca di Stabia

In search of Stabia

“IN SEARCH OF STABIA”” The exhibition at the  ANTIQUARIUM of POMPEII Third Floor  - From  the 31st July 2018 to the 9th July 2019 “In Search of Stabia” is the title of an exhibition which will be inaugurated at the Antiquarium of Pompeii on the 31st July 2018, and will be on display until the 9th July 2019. …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei

Passeggiate notturne

Vesuvian archaeological sites, nighttime walks

Pompeii, Oplontis, The Antiquarium of Boscoreale from the 27th July until the 28th September : on Fridays and Saturdays - from 20:30 to 23:00 (last entrance 22:30) The Villa S. Marco with ‘Stabiae Nocte': 28th July, 4th and 11th August and 1st September :- from 20:30 to 23:30  From Friday 27th until 28th September the illuminated routes of the Vesuvian archaeological sites return, as part of the 2018 development projects promoted by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities.The site of Pompeii, the Villa of Poppaea at Oplontis, the Antiquarium of Boscoreale and, for the first time, the Villa S. Marco at Stabiae will be illuminated on Friday and Saturday evenings. …Read more

parco archeologico di pompei